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Gut-Friendly Foods to Boost Your Immune System

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The gut is home to millions of good and bad bacteria, and good bacteria play an important role in our overall health, including the digestive and immune systems. When your good bacteria decrease and bad bacteria increase, it creates an imbalance in the gut, and this affects our overall health, including our immunity system. 

As we know, a strong immune system helps keep our body healthy, and our health is directly proportional to the food we take in our daily lives. Here are some of the major food items that can help in boosting our gut health as well as our immunity system. 

1] Turmeric 

Turmeric is a yellow-coloured Indian spice which is used in cooking. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic properties and has types of medicinal benefits. It can help in managing gut inflammation, treating indigestion, and managing many digestive disorders, etc., so add pure turmeric to your food daily. You can also take a spoonful of turmeric in a glass of milk daily to make your immunity stronger. 

2] Fruits And Vegetables

Having fruits and vegetables in your diet daily is beneficial for overall health; fruits and vegetables have many nutritious contents like fibre, vitamins B and C, and many types of minerals. This is helpful in overall health. However, eating fruits and vegetables has become boring sometimes, so you can have foods, snacks, or desserts which are rich in types of fruits and veggies. For instance, you can have a plate full of fruit salad, a smoothie topped with dry fruits, oreven go for an online cake order in Mumbai or in your nearby places to give a quick change to your tongue.

3] Ginger

Ginger is another spice that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and it has also been shown to boost the immune system.

One study found that ginger can help reduce the severity of the common cold. Another study found that ginger can help improve the immune response to flu vaccination. You can add ginger to your food by cooking with it, making ginger tea, or taking it in supplement form.

4] Spinach

Spinach is a leafy green vegetable that is packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like iron and calcium. Spinach is also a good source of prebiotics.

One study found that spinach can help boost the production of white blood cells. Another study found that spinach can help reduce inflammation in the gut. You can eat spinach raw, cooked, or added to smoothies.

5] Kefir

Kefir is a fermented yoghurt drink that is packed with probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that are beneficial for your health. One study found that kefir can help boost the immune response to flu vaccination. Another study found that kefir can help reduce the severity of diarrhoea. You can drink kefir plain or add it to smoothies or yoghurt.

6] Kiwi

Kiwi is a fruit that is packed with vitamins C and K, as well as minerals like potassium and copper. Kiwi is also a good source of prebiotics.

One study found that kiwi can help boost the production of white blood cells. Another study found that kiwi can help reduce the severity of the common cold. You can eat kiwi raw or added to smoothies.

7] Green Tea

Green tea is a type of tea that is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Green tea is packed with antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.

One study found that green tea can help reduce the risk of the flu. Another study found that green tea can help improve the immune response to flu vaccination. You can drink green tea plain or add it to smoothies.

8] Sweet Potato 

Sweet potato is a root vegetable that is packed with vitamins A, C, and B6, as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium. Sweet potato is also a good source of prebiotics.

One study found that sweet potatoes can help boost the production of white blood cells. Another study found that sweet potatoes can help reduce inflammation in the gut. You can eat sweet potato roasted, baked, or mashed.

9] Eggs 

Eggs are a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Eggs are also a good source of zinc, which is an essential nutrient for the immune system. Zinc helps to produce white blood cells and antibodies, which fight off infection. To get more eggs in your diet, you can eat them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 

Besides, if you do not like the taste of eggs, then you can choose an alternative egg product which does not taste like raw eggs but provides you with some nutritional value. For instance, you can eat an omelette, egg puff, sandwich, or even black forest cake, which is made of eggs and delicious in taste. 

10] Broccoli 

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that is packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K. Broccoli is also a good source of fibre, which is important for gut health. To get more broccoli in your diet, you can eat it raw, cooked, or steamed. You can also add broccoli to salads, soups, and stir-fries.

In Summary 

Your gut microbiome plays a vital role in your immune system. The bacteria in your gut help to train your immune system to recognise and fight off infection. They also produce antimicrobial compounds that can help to kill harmful bacteria.

When your gut microbiome is out of balance, it can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to infection. This is why it is important to eat a gut-friendly diet.

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