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Common Anti-Seize Issues and Troubleshooting

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Protecting your engine and other automotive machinery from corrosion, wear, and seizing is one of the most important preventive measures you can take. Anti-seize is key in this process. While applying this compound may seem straightforward, it’s still possible that you may run into some hiccups that you may need troubleshooting.


More is not always better, and this is especially true when it comes to anti-seizes. Over-applying these compounds can create messy workspaces or trap contaminants that defeat the purpose of application.

Always follow manufacturer instructions during application. You really only need a thin layer that just covers the area you are trying to protect. Promptly clean up any excess compound.

Uneven Application

Another application issue with anti-seize can occur when you apply it unevenly. This can leave certain areas unprotected and vulnerable to seizing and corrosion from water or chemicals. When you apply anti-seize, you should always clean and dry the surfaces to be joined, and then use a brush, applicator, or aerosol to evenly coat the parts. If you are coating large surfaces, you should consider investing in an automated dispenser system to help keep things even.

Drying Time

Anti-seize needs to dry well for optimal results. If your application is taking too long to dry, you may need to evaluate environmental factors contributing to this, such as cold temperatures or high humidity. You can use heat sources to help anti-seize cure faster, but take care not to overheat, as this may affect the performance of the compound.

Difficult Disassembly

If you are unable to disassemble parts down the road, despite having used anti-seize, they were likely improperly applied. Take extra care to cover all mating surfaces with a thin layer of compound, and keep torque specifications in mind so that you don’t over tighten any of the components. Even with anti-seize applied, if you overtighten parts you may have a difficult time getting them apart.


If you discover corrosion after having applied anti-seize then the compound may not have been the right one for the job. For example, if the components are regularly exposed to high temperatures, extreme pressures, or even extra cold temperatures, you may need to find a specialized compound to address these issues. You should perform regular corrosion checks and reapply the compound if needed, especially if the car runs in extreme conditions.

Compatibility Issues

Anti-seize is a great solution when you need to join components made of distinct metals; however, you should take great care to choose the correct compound before doing so. Not all materials or metals are compatible with all types of anti-seize. Be sure you know what materials your components are made of and which type of compound works with those. Manufacturers often provide compatibility charts or technical support to help you choose the right product.

Quality Anti-Seizes 

Apart from application methods and compatibility, the quality of your anti-seize matters. Choose a company that supplies only quality products to ensure that your work lasts longer, is better protected, and can be more easily disassembled later on.

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