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A Comprehensive Manual for Mathematical Economics Dissertation Writing

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As the stats from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate, the employment rate for mathematical economics graduates has increased by 30% in the year 2023 alone. It indicates the increased inclination of the local and international students towards this undergraduate degree. You can see the median pay and entry-level education requirements for this field in the following table:

But to secure a brighter future in this domain, first, you will have to meet the entry requirements of the programme of study. Writing a top-class mathematical economics PhD dissertation is a vital part of the economics programme structure. 

According to Completion Rates and Time-to-Degree in Economics PhD Programs, 37% of the students have to drop out of college due to the toughness of math-eco studies, and 4% had to spend more than usual time for the completion of their dissertations. If you want to fall among the other lot of 59% who passed their papers on time, you will have to follow certain guidelines. 

To help you get your degree faster, we have listed the best structure guidelines for mathematical economics dissertation writing. Following these guidelines, you can effortlessly write a flawless dissertation on mathematical economics. 

You can also hire professional dissertation writing services to provide you with the best mathematical economics dissertation topics. The expert academic writers on this website will make your work much easier. 

Writing a Mathematical Economics Dissertation – Step-by-Step Approach

The very first thing that you need to do is to study the requirements of the dissertation handbook given to you by your advisor.  Once you are familiar with the writing guidelines, you can start working on your dissertation. 

All the steps you need to follow during the writing process are given below:

1. Topic Selection

Haven’t selected the topic yet? Before starting the chaotic and frantic search for your dissertation title, review a few mathematical economics dissertation examples. After you are well aware of the nature of the work you will be doing, you should go on to choose your topic.

Here are some guidelines for helping you select the right topic for your dissertation: 

  • Choose a topic that you are genuinely interested in.
  • Please note that your topic must be able to pose a question in the minds of the readers.
  • Finally, discuss the topic with your supervisor and get it approved by him. 

You must keep in mind that the topic you choose is focused on the theme and not just a vague title for your work.

2. Interpret the Research Questions

The most important factor when working on some mathematical economics papers is focusing on interpreting the research questions. You must not forget to relate the research work with your central research questions. 

Analyse the information available on the topic and make your own results. A good rule of thumb is to research your mathematical dissertation topic thoroughly and then ask open-ended questions that can be answered with facts and arguments.

3. Reliable Sources

When doing your research, you should gather enough sources that are relevant to your work. Always make sure that the sources provide value to your work and are not just an extra entry to your bibliography. The resources used must be credible, reliable and taken from valid repositories of knowledge. 

“We can say that modern mathematical economics began in the 19th century with the use of differential (and integral) calculus to describe and explain economic behaviour. The emergence of modern economic theory occurred almost simultaneously with the appearance of new economic concepts, which were actively used in various economic models.”

The above paragraph comes from a valid article On History of Mathematical Economics: Application of Fractional Calculus published on MDPI, and it is taken from a valid source. Likewise, you must also use valid sources in your mathematical economics papers. 

4. Planning the Dissertation

The mathematical economics dissertation structure matters the most when you are working on a quantitative research topic. Generally, the planning of your work includes dividing it into a definite structure and categorising the information into distinct sections.

The sections of a professional economics dissertation are the following:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Analysis
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Discussion
  • Bibliography

Each section of your dissertation must be filled with relevant content if you want to get good grades on your papers. 

5. The Abstract

It is the shortest section of a mathematical economics dissertation and provides the reader with a brief overview of the complete research project. Also, it highlights the aims of the dissertation to the readers and provides them with the context of the research. 

Briefly explain the mathematical methods that you will employ to explain an economic theory to the readers. You can also include the impacts of your research on your field of knowledge here. 

6. The Introduction

The introduction shall comprise 15% of your mathematical economics dissertation section. It tells the readers about the main focus of your dissertation and gives a review of the context and background of the mathematical models used in your research work. 

You can also point out the research gaps and tell the reader about how your work fills these gaps. If you are working on a public sector and country-specific study, you will take into account the economy of the country under inspection and discuss it in detail. 

The graph above, taken from Financial Risk Measurement and Spatial Spillover Effects Based on an Imported Financial Risk Network: Evidence from Countries along the Belt and Road, shows the comparison of financial risk assessment for both the Asian and European regions. 

7. The Literature Review

Generally, the largest part of a dissertation is the literature review, and it comprises 25% of a mathematical economics dissertation. In this section, you shall provide the readers with an insight into the existing literature research. Usually, this section involves a review of both research and non-research literature. 

8. The Methodology

The research methodology section of your dissertation shall constitute 15% of the overall dissertation content. The aim of this section is to justify the design, data analysis process and research approach to your audience. 

Also, it briefly explains the ways you employed to get the final results. You can also shed light on the methodical approach and research design of your work here. Although it will be mostly mathematical work here, you must make sure that you are meeting all the English language requirements. 

9. The Results

The fifth section of your mathematical economics master’s dissertation is the results section, which makes up to 15% of your final work. The basic aim of this section is to present the results of primary research to the audience. Make sure that you use high-quality graphs and visual media to present your results.  

Also, you should include the evidence to support the findings here. Make sure that your results are directly linked to the main theme of your work. Also, your dissertation must be completely plagiarism-free, particularly the results. 

10. The Discussion of Results

While the results part of your mathematical economics dissertation talks about the raw data, the discussion of results is based on explaining their importance. Further, it relates the results to the research questions, and the writer explains the link between both of them. 

Some mathematical economics dissertation writers also choose to include the interpretations of their results in this section. It helps the reader know how much you have contributed to the field of your research. 

11. Conclusion

Just like the introduction part is your first chance to impress the supervisor, a good conclusion also leaves a mark in the readers’ minds. Here are a few tips on writing a stellar conclusion for your dissertation:

  • Avoid introducing new arguments in this part of your work. 
  • Summarise the key arguments here and show the reader how they relate back to the central research questions.
  • Suggest ideas to other researchers for further work. Also, discuss the implications of your work on future research.
  • Do not include any such thing in your conclusion that is out of the scope of your current research. 

Further, you must not be negligent towards the conclusion and add as many key points as you can in this section. Do not make this section too lengthy, or the audience will get bored. For better guidance, read a bunch of mathematical economics dissertation samples to know the ways to craft your papers. 

12. Revision

The importance of a mathematical economics dissertation can be gauged by the fact that you have to spend considerable time checking the dissertation data. Here are a few things to do when you are revising the content of your work:

  • Compile your mathematical economics dissertation notes and ensure that you have stated the right facts in your work.
  • Spend at least a night before revising your papers after you finish writing them.
  • You can also hire an editing agency to fine-tune your dissertation
  • The more feedback you get from people on your dissertation, the better it will be.

It would be better to make a checklist of questions and then revise different drafts of your essay. Ideally, you should re-read your dissertation papers at least twice.


So, when writing a mathematical economics dissertation, you must ensure to follow all these guidelines. Research your topic effectively and gather all the relevant evidence based on your central research questions. Dissertation writing becomes much easier when you follow a defined structure. 

You must consult your dissertation handbook when writing a dissertation on mathematical economics research topics. Lastly, you should revise your papers before the final submission. 

Looking for dissertation writing services to help you? Contact The Academic Papers UK and get the best dissertations on mathematical economics from the writers on this website. 

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